Friday, March 16, 2007

The Min Man Strikes again...

True Confessions of a Real Mom....i woke up at 930am (yes,that would be sleeping in if I hadn't been awake til 340am) this morning and husband had left at 730am...the Min Man was a free for all for 2 hours! Thankfully my friend called or I would have kept sleeping. I can't even begin to tell you all how tired i am. He has a fresh cold, and he must get hyped up on the new cold med i gave him b/c he was running around my house til 340am this morning--he NEVER went to bed--i was about to cry.
...(here is where i vaguely remember falling to sleep and trying to remember my last GOOD sleep and what it felt like--i jogged my memory back to my 20's passing out after the SteepleChase in Charlotte---oh, what i wouldn't give to sleep like that again--you truly don't know what you got til it's gone)...So at 340am i handed my duty off to Ed who had to get up w/the minman.
So this morning Ed left at 730am and didn't wake me, sooooooooo when i did wake up and frantically run my house looking for my little house arrest guest...i found him in his sister's room (of course) w/ all her makeup all over her carpet and blue nail polish all over his toes and sparkles on his whole self and a room that reaked of nail polish/poop b/c of course he also had a soaking wet poop diaper on from the night! (oh yeah, and a line of snot from his nose to mouth--you know the continual drain w/ the face smear--lovely!)
Sooooo, i call Ed and ask why he didn't wake me up from my sleep-deprived coma i was in, and he says "i did" (well if i don't remember then you didn't) and why didn't you put a safety knob on sister's door so at least the minman was contained as to what damage he could do---another example of how they always miss the chaos (see LO of the WEEK).
Moral of my story: Angels watching over us (2 hours of serious time w/ the minman)


SPARKY said...

i just know those days are headed my way. i have a very active 19 week old and he just gets busier and busier. can't wait for the diaper painting on the wall. (something i did when i was a toddler) :o)

hqm said...

Been there! At least you seem to have survived with a sense of humor!

Jennifer said...

Oh yikes! I fell asleep on the couch recently and luckily Peanut didn't do too much damage!

Brooks, "You're My Everything!"...